
位于杰斐逊学术中心 地理研究生院 maintains high-performance computing environments for teaching and research. Founded at the school and located across the street, 太阳城娱乐城实验室 is a research center focused on the development of geographic information technologies, maintaining state-of-the-art computing and data facilities for software development and research applications.

教员个人实验室, which include a diverse range of field and lab equipment, are housed in Jefferson and the Lasry Center for Biosciences.


教授 林登·埃斯蒂斯’ 农业影响研究小组 is equipped with two fixed-wing UAS: a Skywalker with thermal and visual and near-infrared imagers, and an RTK/PPK-capable Sensefly Ebee Plus with Sequoia+ multispectral camera. The group also has a suite of Arable Mark environmental sensors.


教授 克里斯托弗·一个. 威廉姆斯’ 生物地球科学研究小组 is equipped with a wide array of micrometeorological and ecophysiological field equipment, including eddy flux and leaf gas exchange instrumentation; tools for measuring plant and soil properties, including portable leaf area and leaf area index meters; a handheld ASD field spectroradiometer; clinometers; meter tapes; handheld air and soil temperature and moisture sensors (Omega, Campbell Scientific); sling psychrometers; drying ovens and balances; soil corers; soil sieves; hydrometer bulbs, plus 玻璃器皿 for texture analysis; streamflow meters and waders; and soil augers. The 威廉姆斯 lab also has several many-processor desktops (≅100 CPUs) and a large volume of networked and desktop data storages.


埃里卡·伊森伯格在实验室和教授谈话教授指导 J. 罗纳德·伊士曼太阳城娱乐城实验室 is a research center that develops and employs geospatial technologies for environmental management, 可持续资源开发, 公平的资源分配.

成立于太阳城娱乐, lab is world-renowned for its geographic information system (GIS) and geospatial analytics software, including TerrSet Geospatial Monitoring and Modeling, an integrated feature-rich software system for monitoring and modeling the Earth system for sustainable development; the IDRISI Geographic Information System tool set; the Land Change Modeler; and the Earth Trends Modeler. IDRISI was the first GIS software system specifically targeted at a microcomputer platform. 自1987年推出以来, it has grown to become one of the most widely used raster systems of its type with installations in more than 180 countries.

Partnering with such organizations as the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Esri Inc., Conservation International, World Conservation Society, U.S. 农业部, 和联合国, 太阳城娱乐城实验室 leverages its academic base to develop innovative and customized research tools, provide software solutions to organizations in need, and apply geospatial expertise to a range of real-world problems. 太阳城娱乐城实验室 has the largest proportional research and development budget in the industry devoted to the analytical development of geographic information technology.


The 景观监测研究小组, led by 教授 约翰•罗根 is equipped with field instruments for use in forest health inventory, 包括研究室、, hypsometers, 胸径磁带, 和卡钳. The lab also contains a suite of GPS receivers, HOBO temperature sensors, and quantum light meters. The lab serves as a long-term geospatial data repository for the 人类环境区域天文台 程序和 采掘业研究小组.


The Earth Observation and Remote Sensing (EORS) Lab provides computing and office space infrastructures for graduate students focused on earth system science, 遥感, and geographic information science within the 地理研究生院.


森林生态实验室,由 杜米尼克Kulakowski is equipped with a suite of field and lab equipment that supports experimental and observational research on forest ecosystems. This includes equipment for field observations (including GPS units, 森林冠层密度计, 近地表光和温度测量仪, 和卷尺), dendroecological data collection and analysis (including increment borers, 桑德斯, Velmex树轮测量系统, and a CDendro semi-autonomous dendroecological processing system), and analysis of spatial data (including ArcGIS and TerrSet Geospatial Monitoring and Modeling Software).


凯伦·弗雷 showing two female students samples in lab教授领导 凯伦·弗雷, 极地科学研究实验室 includes a wet lab facility located in the Lasry Center for Bioscience building and equipped to perform biogeochemical analyses on freshwater and seawater samples. 除了, lab houses multiple pieces of equipment and supplies that are routinely transported to the Arctic for remote field campaigns.

Equipment on campus includes an 18-megaohm clean water source, 多台冰柜和冰箱, 通风柜, 烘箱, 马弗炉, 研究电脑, along with field observation equipment: pH/DO/temperature/conductivity meters, 岛津UV-1800紫外可见分光光度计, a Turner Designs Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer, 分析天平, 玻璃器皿, Kemmerer水采样器, and a Biospherical Compact Optical Profiling System (including two profiling radiometers, QCP-PAR传感器, and a surface reference radiometer with a large metal tripod).



  • 杰斐逊学术中心,220室

  • 1-508-793-7336
  • 1-508-793-8881传真
  • 地理[在]clarku[点]edu