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Who We Are

Our Vision


Our Mission

在创造和提供符合青少年需要的行为健康服务方面进行创新, young adults and their families and communities.


Nadia Ward, Director

Nadia Ward, M.Ed, Ph.D.

Director of the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise
Professor of Practice, Education Department
and Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology


Email Nadia Ward

Nadia L. Ward, M.Ed., Ph.D., came to the Mosakowski Institute from Yale University, 她曾担任精神病学(心理学)副教授和临床和社区心理学临床培训副主任, Yale School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry; and the Director of Urban Education & 耶鲁大学咨询中心预防研究和高级评估顾问.

她在种族和少数民族学生学术成就领域的广泛工作已经持续了20多年,包括为大学提供培训和咨询, public school systems, and private organizations; curriculum development; program development; implementation; and community-engaged research and evaluation.

Dr. 沃德以各种身份与高风险和高成就的城市青年及其家庭进行了广泛的合作. 她在学校和社区环境中设计和评估了学术丰富和能力增强药物滥用和暴力预防项目.

Additionally, Dr. 沃德是综合城市学校改革工作的领导者,她将学校和社区纳入发展之中, implementation, 以及旨在改善学校氛围的系统干预措施的评估, academic performance, and educational trajectories of low-income and minority youth.

Dr. Ward’s areas of expertise include school-based mental health, substance abuse prevention among youth, social-emotional learning, academic achievement, educational disparities, urban school reform, education policy, and school-based prevention.

Dr. Ward has presented at regional, national, 以及有关学校系统改革主题的国际会议, educational disparities, social-emotional learning, educational aspirations and attainment among urban adolescents, and school-based prevention. Her research has been published in recognized peer-reviewed journals. She has appeared on National Public Radio (NPR), CNN Money, and has been quoted in the New York Post, U.S. News & World Report, and SHAPE magazine. 她在研究、教学、指导和社区服务方面获得了无数奖项.

Aaron Haddock

Aaron Haddock, M.Ed., Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Practice, Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology

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Aaron D. Haddock, M.Ed., Ph.D. has worked in school and community settings as a teacher, school psychologist, program evaluator, and consultant. Dr. Haddock’s areas of expertise include social-emotional learning, child and adolescent behavioral health, and school-based prevention and intervention.

By linking his extensive experience in multi-tiered systems of support, program evaluation, academic achievement, 而教育政策直接关系到社会公正和教育问题, Dr. 阿道克利用研究和实践之间的互惠关系,促进所有青年的积极成果.

Dr. Haddock received his doctorate degree in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology from the University of California, 并在耶鲁大学完成了临床实习. Dr. Haddock also holds a M.A. in School Psychology from UCSB, a M.Ed. and Teaching Credential from Antioch University, and a M.A. in Liberal Studies from Columbia University. He is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship to Vienna, Austria, 他就读于维也纳大学,并在当地一所学校任教.



约翰·奥布莱恩是马萨诸塞大学纪念医疗保健中心的前任总裁兼首席执行官,也是倡导弱势群体健康的全国领袖. 他曾担任剑桥健康联盟首席执行官和剑桥市卫生专员, 他是马萨诸塞州医院协会董事会的前任主席. 他继续在健康领域的几个董事会任职. 他在帮助加强和促进莫萨科夫斯基研究所在健康和福祉问题上的工作方面发挥了领导作用. O’Brien holds an A.B. 在哈佛大学获得经济学学位,在波士顿大学获得医疗保健管理工商管理硕士学位.


Richard Freeland, the former president of Northeastern University, is nationally known for his leadership in practice-oriented education, 强调将课堂学习与实际经验联系起来的重要性. While at the Institute, 弗里兰帮助太阳城娱乐城设计了其标志性的自由教育和有效实践(LEEP)倡议. 他于2009年离开莫萨科夫斯基教授职位,成为马萨诸塞州高等教育专员, a role he filled until 2015, and currently serves on Clark’s Board of Trustees. 弗里兰在阿默斯特学院获得美国研究学士学位,在宾夕法尼亚大学获得美国文明博士学位.


Joe Arangio, M.P.A., M.S.Joe Arangio Headshot

Director of Strategic Planning and Development


Email Joe Arangio

Joe Arangio, M.P.A., M.S., has led operations, program design & delivery, 以及在毕业生阶段跨公共和非营利教育部门的战略规划, post-secondary, and K-12 levels.  在加入太阳城娱乐城之前,他在太阳城娱乐领域工作了十多年.  Joe holds an M.P.A. from Harvard University, an M.S. from Boston University, and a B.A. from Salve Regina University.  乔还获得了南加州大学的证书.

Letisha Amuwo

Letisha Amuwo headshot

Administrative and Executive Assistant


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Letisha Amuwo, 是一位终身教育家,她的职业生涯始于新贝德福德的美国服务队成员, MA where she supplemented classroom texts with missing BIPOC voices. After continuing her teaching career in Boston, 她转到政府政策工作,重点是提供更多的机会, representation, and retention for teachers and families of color. 莱蒂莎拥有马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的心理学学士学位,辅修了美国黑人研究, and Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies.

Shelley Grover

Shelley Grover, MBA

Research Associate


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Shelley Grover, MBA, 这位太阳城娱乐的毕业生于2019年回到母校,加入了莫萨科夫斯基公共企业研究所. Shelley serves as a Research Associate, 她负责监督莫萨科夫斯基研究所的研究项目管理, coordinates research studies, and assists with various special projects.

谢莉拥有太阳城娱乐心理学学士学位和市场营销MBA学位, which lends itself to the unique work of the Mosakowski Institute, 在研究所注重为青少年和年轻人制定行为健康干预措施与开展营销活动以突出和宣传这些重要目标之间建立战略一致性.

William Mosakowski and wife Jane

Our Benefactors

William S. Mosakowski ’76 and Jane Mosakowski ’75

William Mosakowski ’76 is president and CEO of Public Consulting Group, 在为州和地方政府提供咨询服务方面处于全国领先地位,大大提高了财政和运营绩效.

Lee Gurel

Our Benefactors

Dr. Lee Gurel ’48

Dr. 48岁的李·古雷尔是太阳城娱乐城和莫萨科夫斯基研究所慷慨而热情的支持者. 李在伍斯特长大,后来成为一名杰出的研究心理学家.